I want to create a system where political decisions are explained with a brief video, a video that can be understood by the average Australian and explains why the law was passed and what the government hopes to achieve.

The video will act like a Key Performance Indicator for the legislation. To ensure the videos lack bias they will be created semi-independent of government but with input from the government, the crossbench, the media and members of the public. I also hope that the concise nature of the video will make the laws of our country easier to understand for those who otherwise might struggle.

Technology moves so quickly there are so many ways to improve processes and automate. Simply put, the public service sector can do more for Australians, especially if they aren’t bogged down with repetitive mundane tasks.

The goal of this policy isn't to reduce jobs but to improve efficiency enabling everyone’s interactions with government departments to be as positive as possible without increasing the workload of the employees themselves.

Public servants with an eye for efficiency, using existing or new programs, will be offered the option to be shifted to a new department that focuses on finding out the processes and helping automate or make them easier to complete making everyone’s interactions with them quicker and easier.

I also hope to use the lessons learned by this department to correlate all of the different efficiency and time saving methods and make them available to Australian businesses making them more profitable and likely to succeed.

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